Sunday, 8 February 2009

HIV could be your best friend!

Our bodies are made up of cells as you probably know. Each one of these cells has a different job in keeping us alive and healthy. some of these cells are carried around our body's by our blood, we usually call these cells, The White Blood Cell.

White blood cells fight illness, they are our natural medicine. Our blood is like a river which transports these good cells around our body's. There are two kinds of white blood cell which work together as a team.

If you catch a cold, you have picked up a bad cell which finds its way into your blood. like the good cells, your blood will also transport the bad cells around your body. As the bad cells travel round your blood they look for a place where they can stop and make their selves at home, once they find a place to stop you begin to feel their affect, runny nose, itchy eyes and fever are just some of the results a bad cold cell will cause. The reason you may feel tired when you have a cold is because your body is beginning to deploy its good white blood cells into action, this can use allot of your energy without you knowing that anything is happening inside you.

As the bad cells travel through your blood the white blood cells swim into action working as a team. The first cell finds the bad cell and grabs hold of it like a lion catching its prey. While the first cell holds on to the bad cell, the second white cell comes along and kills the bad cell. The second white cell kills the bad cell by eating its way inside the bad cell and uses it to multiply into many more of its self. basically the second white cell has baby's with the bad cell, but all the baby's are born, good white cells. After this has happened over and over the amount of white cells over powers the bad and you start to feel much better.

Now if you imagine the bad cell is HIV we have a much different story. The first white cell still does its job by catching and holding on to the HIV cell, but This is just what HIV wants. When the second white cell comes along and try's to eat its way into HIV and kill it, the tables turn. The HIV cell is much more powerful than the second white cell and it eats its way into the white cell. Just like before the cell uses the other to multiply into many of its self, but this time the HIV overpowers and kills all the good white cells.

We call the white cells in our blood, our immune system. If our immune system becomes very weak it leaves us vulnerable to infections like cancer and pneumonia. With a weak immune system illnesses like these will kill. This makes HIV a deadly virus, although HIV is not the cell that kills, it is the cell that breaks us down leaving us weak and in wait of death to take us. HIV prepares us slowly for death.

If you have ever had to come to terms with something as destructive as HIV in your life, you will know that learning to live with the thing that will lead you to die can only be done in one way, Make it your best friend and use it against itself.